Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Positive Attitude

It's important to have a positive attitude when working with a lot of people. You can reach goals more efficiently and really test the potential of success within the group. Our team has a positive mindset and focuses on the outcome of the project. With this, we will be able to do well. Our project emphasizes on a global issue, electronic waste.

We believe that e-waste is harmful to the environment. In some way it will potentionally and universally affect our Earth's health and ours. With that said, we feel disoriented and unpleased with the negative outcomes of e-waste. We intend to help educate and spread awareness of e-waste to our fellow students at UWM, friends and family so that we can all make a difference; not just our group. E-waste is a new issue that many people aren't aware of because they don't hear about it and they don't see or deal with it directly such as air pollution or trash where they can see it. Therefore, it's important that The Green Team take the iniative to address this global concern and make it known to people. With a positive attitude and a passive/aggressive approach we can gain momentum and join in the fight against e-waste.

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