Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Extroverted and Conscientious

My dominant personality traits are extroverted, agreeableness, emotionally stable and conscientious. I think that these traits have made a positive impact on your project and group. For example, my extroverted side pushes for a more outgoing project activity such as promoting and spreading awareness of e-waste to the campus; not just people I know. I went out and interviewed the volunteer coordinator for our event which required me to communicate in person and use my verbal and eye contact skills. As a leader, I have to manage our team's schedule and make sure we are on the same page which is why my willingness to agree and stable emotions help bring the group to a common ground and direction. Being calm and open to my team mate's ideas will broaden our project and sustain trust within our group. My conscientious side is my assertive side. This helps play a huge role in being a team player and leader. I helped keep everyone to be on task with consistent communication and I initiate the additional steps we need to take to move forward. Overall, it our team has achieved most of our goals we have set and remained ahead of our deadlines because of the similar yet minor different personalities we all have.

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