Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I speak U listen, U speak I listen

Overall our communication is fairly well. I don't see any problems with it. Even though some of the teammates don't respond as quickly as others do, but we can still count on them. Its mostly about trust, even if I sent an email out, and that person doesn't get to read it or does, but I get no response back, I just trust them that it'll come through, and if not, we in trouble. But as our group go in a whole, we don't really have any flaws. Sure I hardly know about what my teammates like or don't like, but that's not the matter here. What matters is working as a team and communicating well. We don't have time to chit chat, because everyone wants to get this done so, that's what I like. Less time playing more time work. I do say this group was my best group out of all the group projects I had to do in college. Maybe its the effect of the organization behavior classes that cause all the students to act as a team, unlike other group projects I have in the past, no communication what so ever. So I do give some credits to the class that's why our group is far and communicating well overall.

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